Friday, August 13, 2010

my laptop may turn into a unicorn

WOW! So much has happened. 

Lets see, we have a new member to the family! His name was Shiny, then Skinny, then Whity, then Jake, then Jack, then Jojo, then Miki, then Ang, then Chuck, then Sam, then a hole bunch of other names, but the final one (FINALLY) is "Prince Charlies", or some of us are allowed to call him "Charlie". Despite his cast he is very mobile and loves to fallow, or rather walk side-by-side with mom as she goes about the house and yard. Doesn't leave her side at all. 
Isn't he cute?! Not only is he a handful, and a puppy, he is also well aware that the cat and dog run the place before him and summits a bit for them, which I think is rather nice for Blackie. So he doesn't think he's being replaced or has less value.

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We are just about to start pickling those damn pickle cucumbers that my step-dad (often refereed to as "Grandpa" or "Dad"). He has a REALLY great green-thumb. Trying to get the one recipes from Aunt G over the mountains, but somehow we're just not getting our wires connected and haven't gotten it yet. There are a load of them again this year from the garden.

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Craft: slow and steady wins the race, right?

Here's what I have done of the pillow. Project #53

The mindless scarf is almost done... like an inch left. Sooo... really slooooow. But it's project #55 so there has to be SOME good in that right?

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Mini watermelon with stripes!
Neil's mother has an amazing green thumb as well, this is her baby!

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