Now that my leg has been "fixed" I have been trying to focus on getting a job. However that means I have to deal with the near weekly migraines and pretty much daily headaches. How can I find a job that will let me work like 6 hours at a time? I got so lucky at my old job and relies now how much I took advantage of my boss's kindness and amazing patience. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful to have had a great opportunity to experience that kind of work environment.
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Now on to my latest craft project. As many of you know, the youngest's birthday is coming up. I wanted to use this idea I found on the internet about a purse. There were ribbons sewn own the fabric then cut and sewn into a purse. So I thought of a pencil case for her schooling. Great idea right? I mean, Target has had these awesome ribbons in their $1 section, and I have accumulated a lot of them. So I sewed.
Only evidence of my project.
Kids have a way of disappointing me. The youngest has been acting out. She (I can only assume it was her, though cannot be proven and there is the oldest girl and her friends that could have been the ones) went into the craft room, made a HUGE mess with beads, fabric, toys, pens, stamps, stamp pads (she stepped in one on the weekend and made footprints on the floor), and various other things. Imagine if you will the shock I experienced when I walked in to work on her gift. We all know that she wakes up at night and plays around, so it's not far fetched that she would "play" in the craft room. The project is still missing.
What am I going to do? The kids are no longer going to have crafts with me.
I am done.
All my craft supplies will be packed away so I do not have the heartache again. I cried, grieved, and got a headache from the whole ordeal. I am done with them refusing to respect others property time and time again. All the supplies has been played with and/or destroyed, beyond repair.
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Has anyone else noticed this strong stabbing sharp pain from my hip to my index toe on my left leg, or is it just me? Have to focus on the amazing surgery and "just keep swimmin'".
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