I am in dier (sp?) need of girls... yah yah yah, I know, a little too late. After spending a day (again) with two guys (Neil and Vito) I realised how much I need girl friends. I do realise I am a terrible friend, and not mental stable, but by god, I need girly girl things to talk about, I never did like girly girl crap, but for some reason I need it now... odd as it may seem, especially if you know me, but I am watching girly-esk shows just to get that estrogen fix. Hell, I even wore a SKIRT the other day! After I swore that I wouldn't wear it unless it was really needed.
So here's hoping some girl will be with Vito AND be my friend, it would cut down so much on confusion... too much to ask for? I know it is, but this is dreaming here. He's a great guy, amazingly sweet, has a bit of white/grey streaks in the temples making him look a bit sexy (reminds me of McSteemy's hairs from Grey's Anatomy, the earlier seasons), 29 years old... talk to me if you want to know more!
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So after my minor mental melt-down the other day, I am doing better, thanks everyone for your good notes. I love to get responses from not only my friends and loved ones, but my readers, how "few" you maybe, you are a lot to me, and I thank you for it.
I am not mentally stable, I do try, Neil and my family and friends are supportive, but even with medication I'm not 100%, hell I"m not even 80%, but I try. So don't be supprised if I don't make my 100 craft project mark, but I'm still going to try. Giving it my best, aiming for the 100% even if I only get my 80%.
So here's to hope! I'm working on the damn second sock in hopes to jump start my New Year Resolution Projects goal!!!
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