Just saw the G.I. JOE movie and have to say it is awesome. Deferentially a high explosive, machine/gun, ninja sward fighting, and amazing high tech things. So a guy movie, and a movie for us girls that like things like that (there are a few scenes with shirtless guys, working out... worth the like combined 5 minutes of it). So it's an adrenalin pumped up ride with high intense screen shaking and fast pace scenes. Overall well worth it.
Now on to something fuzzy baby related: There has been windy days here on this end of the internet and the windows are open. With the cross-breezes there are many slaming doors. Poor Sammy was stuck in a room for a whole day! I was noticing he wasn't coming out from under the bed but didn't think much of it. When I was getting ready for bed I heard this scratching type sound (he has no claws) on the door. HE WAS IN THE ROOM ALONE! My poor baby came racing out of the room with wide eyes. He'd been trying to get out all day! I"m such a bad mom.
On to projects. Yeah... aside from a hat, an attempted tea cozy (still not started really), and a bag for friend and non-blood sister N. The hat maybe too big now that I've knitted during the movie... when the scenes get intense the knitting becomes intense so I'm going to mesure it and make sure it's not too long...
Just measured... need another 1/2 an inch. Domo is my marker by the way.
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