PROJECTS!? Yes, I have been knitting! I've made two hats, working on my third soon. I'll have pictures somewhere... I hid his eyes for protection...

The second hat was started as a red Twilight scarf from Jan 5th. I'll get pictures up soon, I want to take them with my sister wearing her hat.
SAMURI! He's been very playful at night... he didn't like me staying up late last night, but he's so adorable that I just looked at him and said "You're so cuute! Yes you are, yesyouare!" in a rather annoying baby voice. I love to take baby to my fuzzy babies.
ISABELLE: She isn't doing too well. Her ashthma (however it's spelled) has been acting up again. She had to get a painful shot to open her lungs up, apparently she could have suffocated because she couldn't get air in. Generally cats with her issue have to come in every 2-3 weeks, but with her its like 4-6 weeks. The vet recommends coming in when it starts to get bad again on a regular basis. She's doing better now and is very affectionate.
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