Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Tomorrow is when I'm getting botox. "But you're so young..." is probably what you're saying, and you're right.

Botox is going to be injected in my head in hopes it will aid in preventing migraines.

I am scared. This is scary. And I hope it works.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mine and Hers Post

Yes, I do relies that the title of my last post was Quest and not Guest. It was a mistype that I just left alone because I thought it was cool.

It's been a week since my last post and some things have happened. One is my other half had to drop his smart phone (and basically a phone all together) from our phone plan to save money. Yah, we're doing that. We love our smart phones so much that we made it our last thing to go. You know, cut everything else out of the budget first before you do the one last thing, ours was the smart phones. I was like, "NOOoooooooo" and sobbing. Neil on the other hand was all cool about it, even though I know he was hurting a bit on the inside.

I finished baby booties, and they're so BIG still. I made them smaller, and they're still so big! What am I doing wrong? >_<

Botox for the migraines is kinda getting me in a tail spin. I got an email from a lady who's opinion I truest and I've been mulling it over and over in my brain. Really need to email her back.

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Now on to the main attraction, my niece has once again made us a blog post, it is about a manga/anime that she likes:

Mew Mew Powers I like this show. The characters are names Ichigo, Mint, Lettice, Pudding, Zakiro, Masaga, Tyou, Keichire, Masha and Kish. This is a great manga because it is really cool and awesome.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Quest Speaker

My niece has agreed to post a piece for my blog. Hope you enjoy her thoughts.

Hey! This is your post writer here, I am going to tell you that posting is so fun and you should really do it. Now this is your life-time experience. Posting you can write anything that you want to. Have a wonderful spring and summer. ~ Lauren

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

One Down

I finished one bootie. Now on to the second one. I didn't just finish the first one. It was the day before yesterday, I just have been so down I haven't had to heart to make a new post till now. I still wanted to have Isabelle's pictures as the first post. While I'm still not over her, I"m getting better. Less crying, more doing normal things, like knitting and reading a book!

Yes, reading a book! Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith. So excited to finish it. You know me, once I start a book it's hard for me to not finish it in one sitting. Between my book from the library and the DVDs and knitting, I got nothing.

One bootie down. One day down. Moving on is hard, but it's okay, we're getting threw it.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Princess FluffyButt

Today was not an anniversary for my parents to remember. She hasn't been well. I still feel a loss that hurts. I can't say much more.

I hope you had all you could wish for and more, Isabelle.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Hey guys, you need to check this out. When I need to cheer up I look at Ugly Renaissance Babies Yes, Ugly Renaissance Babies. As you know in that era is when they were just starting out with looking at proportions. They are lovely at shadows and vibrant colors, but so... well, take a look.