Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Purple fingernails! Yes, I am that desperate for blog ideas. That and I think this is a really cute color.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Crazy New Year

Recently I took on 15 credits at school. That is insane. I have NO idea what possessed me to say "hey I'll take on 3 full on classes this quarter *click*"

With this load, I have had so many migraines that axert and vicodin have been used in excess. This goes agents my personal goal to talk about my migraines less (due to a friend's "comments") but it goes with what's going on right now.

I have not had time to knit! I feel terrible! It's like a drug... need to get my fix! Plus I have projects to get done... :/


First post of the new year! Happy New Year everyone!