Our christmas here was rather interesting, the kids are adorable when opening gifts! There were a TON of boxes wrapped with shinny paper and ribbons that entertained Isabelle to no end! That and a laser pointer from the air-soft-gun that Jamie got. She was so tired afterwords!
Since mom (their grandma) couldn't be there for the first christmas I set up my lovely laptop so that it's built in webcam could record the whole thing. Too damn bad it takes up so much of my memory! We put it on Neil's external till mom can see it.
My best friend and non-blood-related sister gave me an awesome Domo manga book! I"m saving it for a day when I miss her. She also got me this neat snap on top thingy for my soda cans. It's really neat, it's great for when I"m driving in the car as well (tested that out on christmas day).
Neil works hard, I try to work hard, did some crafts, which there are pictures of. Love my latest jewelry frame.