Find Ultrasound schools
Isn't that funny... anyways I finished the Chocolatier and it should be on it's way tomorrow or the next day- If I don't have your address I can't send it to you now can I?
Here is a couple blog posts I really enjoy, I hope you enjoy them as well:
iamacatrancher; the perfect wife (to now one)
Ginger Lucy: Glamorama, or how to get a free drink on a Tuesday night in London in December
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
In a world of corn flakes, be a fruit loop.
Isabel was soooo cute! She didn’t come out until after our gifts where open (I think it was because the ripping of paper and tape scared her). We played with her and the ribbon that was on the packages. Before the morning of opening the gifts she would pull on the ribbon and drag the gifts out from under the tree. That alone was adorable, but she then was having so much fun with the ribbon after the gifts were open! It was soooo cute. Plus the tissue paper was just as adorable!
This amazingly cute event WAS recorded, but the video camera is outdated and canNOT be put on any computer… NOT ONE!!! So you’ll have to take my word for it.
My hot cocoa tastes like it has some coffee in it….
As for my knitting project… yeah I tore it out because I didn’t like how it came out…. Nicole thought it looked good, but to me it wasn’t going to be what I wanted. So I’m making a wonder kerchief scarf type thingy… it’s like just half a square (triangle style). If that makes any sense at all…
As you can see here... I kinda messed up on the right side. I'm using US 7 double ended needles... I'm to end up with 110 stitches... I started out with 3... I have some time to go.
As you can see... I'm pointing at that area... in case you didn't notice...
And it looks like this now....
This is one of the recent strips that I think is really cute. I get the email for all new ones because this comic makes me happy. Enjoy!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Let it snow!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Ginger Ale is Good

Sunday, December 09, 2007
Watching MONK
Aside from enjoying my new vehicle and working everyday (and I do mean everyday) I have nothing new… my life is sooo uninteresting.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Coca-Cola was originally green
This Saturday we may be going to get me a car... FINALLY!!! Though I really need to get my things in order... Like looking at what I need, blue book price, and so on.
I'm just annoyed that I'm not a better person, that I don't have any money for S-Con this year, my pain tolerance isn't as high as I would like it to be (though I have a high pain tolerance to begin with...), that I don't know if I'm going to get this car, I can't go anywhere, Neil and I are stuck in this basement with no job (except me), and so many more.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Arm Rests
Harry Potter fans- this is for you! Mostly for Marie and Nicole (first names only for safety reasons). Oh and Dumbledore is gay... though I probably already told you all this, but here is a different article about it- I like their humor "In other words, so what?"
A friend of mine in the UK just got his iPhone. I had this one saved for a bit and thought it would be relative to put it in here. We had fun playing around last night on his phone. He was talking to me and listening to music and God knows what else.
Recently I have been searching for ways to help me loose weight... I'm up to a bad weight and need to really loose weight. This website has a really neat health article, hope you enjoy it as well. Hope you enjoy this one.
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Things have been odd. I haven't been happy but not too sad. Sammy is next to me right now on my favorite blue chair. It's a lay-z-boy just so you know. He's laying on the right arm rest and I pet him and scratch under his chin every like 30 seconds. Weird I know.
Two weeks of family in a few days. I love family get togethers, but I'm not as nervous as I should be. But we'll see.
I've been working on one of my crafty things. I"m not nearly as crafty as my sister on my dad's side, but I like it; it makes me happy.
I have really good friends. I posted something in white text, never expecting anyone to see it. I guess I just wanted to post it so I feel like I'm sharing but without others knowing I wasn't okay.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
I need a random title of blogs generator...
When I was in Germany I was introduced to Euro... it's expensive! My computer has this google desk bar thingy that has like tabs of things you can have, like news tabs, cooking recipes tabs, and such. I have the BBC news tabs- so I take a look ever so often, like every day or two... Before I go any further- here is the link. They discuss how the Euro is more US dollars then it has been in like forever.
Anyways- I've been doing better since my little incident. Back and forth. I still feel depressed though, mostly because things don't seem to be doing any better (money, Neil's job hunt, and so on). I am going to try and work more hours once the holidays hit, then I'll be getting better with money for myself.
Other then that. NOTHING is going on. Okay, there are a few things. Such as Neil had a job opportunity... part time but still... he hasn't really told me if he's going for it or not. I'm trying not to let it get to me though. Nicole and I got to hang out, which was really nice; even though I kinda got sick after she purchased lunch for me. u.u*
I'm currently watching: The Lizzie Mcguire Movie... I've actually been wanting to see it, am I weird.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Gaian Halloween Event

The picture is what I want to do for Neil at times... only because he complains a little that the mini fridge (yes, we have a mini fridge for him) isn't next to the computer....
So yeah. I'm doing better, remember my meds better. Slept for about 12 straight hours... kinda odd, but what can you do?
Here is a pretty dang neat BBC article about health concerning onions! Who knew that awesome veggie would be good for you. I really like onions, but not really raw ones... I'm odd we know this already.
Just remember Stitch 'n Bitch Day-November 10th. Brought to you by I Knit London where you can get more information. Have fun!
Friday, November 02, 2007
giggidy giggidy...
- There is a hilarious new clip a friend sent me. Here is the link. It’s about a cat that loves its master.
- BBC News records about a USoA church fining for Gay people Saying that dead soldiers were punishment for them being gay.
- Next we have an adorable little robot. The world’s smallest robot!!!

- This Success Story of the Week by ASPCA reminds me SOO much of my step-dad and our dog… ‘nuff said.
- Scrubs (the most awesome-est TV show ever!!!)
a. USA Today has an interesting article about the future of Scrubs.
b. Okay okay, this isn’t a news article, but it has awesome funny clips!
c. This is an older article, but still has interesting information.
- Knitting something? Try this one! It’s a great idea for pen’s I think.
- There is a new online comic on my list: DMFA
- I need to watch this again… it makes me happy. The 1995 film “Persuasion” by Jane Austen. It is such a sweet movie. K-Babe made me watch it once and I really want to have it now for my own so I can watch it a lot… it’s so sweet!
- Apparently the BBC news reports that the Olympics ticket sales were suspended.
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“Dear readers, recently I have done something stupid. Because of the issues with the accident and everything related, I have gotten very depressed, and to the point where I just want it to end (in a very bad way). I’ve been trying to deal with this but now know I can’t do it alone. Now I know I need my family and friends.”
That was a few days ago, now I’m doing a lot better. I think the reason I did that was mostly because I missed my morning meds. and the fact that I was already saddened by the ‘stuff’ going on didn’t help. I’m doing better… I have my moments, but I feel a ton better now I’m on regular schedule of taking my meds… dose that make any sense?

Thursday, October 25, 2007
NEWS ((negative thoughts))
- Here is an interesting article I found. I have to say that I used to use the word 'gay' in a negative way that had nothing to do with homosexuality, but thanks to my mom not liking it I haven't done it in so long and hope I never do. I liked this article.
- Here is something I want to do with my 'left over' yarn. I think it would be awesome. Warm Up America Foundation! It's a really great idea. Here is another link I'm doing for। It reminds me of when my dad went to visit my brother over in Mongolia/China.
- This link is to a friend's little Oscar Mayer singing song video... I had to post it। She got some hot dogs from it though.
- The fires in California are terrible. Here is a link from Yahoo! News: Link. There are a few bodies being found in homes that have already been burned. It's sad that they couldn't get out in time.
Here is my done project as of Monday! As you can see, the ribbed rows are off, but I still made them। There is a lot of little mistakes and such.
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Blah. Here is my worried parts. I will fallow soon with the positive happy thoughts. Money money money.
I had to pay off a collections agency or it would show up on my credit as bad... credit... So now I have to figure out how to make things work. Mom said she wont be paying for our food. Which I have purchased some of the food, but not all. So now I need to figure out how to pay for our food on my barely part time job. Plus the bills and the settlement... grr... I'm getting to the point where I'm playing with knifes in public... I have taken up cutting myself when I get depressed.
We will know about his job soon... not soon enough though in my opinion. Then it will be a bit more less stressful for me. Then maybe I can concentrate on getting a car once and for all. Charmain said she'd help out- she's seeing this guy that is the big cheese when it comes to cars from collection agencies... I really need to get a car- I think even though money will be spent on it I will be more willing to save because, well, because I have in the past not spent so much because I do have a car. I have a spending problem in case you didn't know.
On the good side, I have great friends that help things feel so much better.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
news + blog = have fun
Here is something else for us to take a look at; it’s a list of what can/can’t be recycled. I like this and find it helpful. At this link you can choose which language you like.
This link is VERY neat, my other half found it. This is about the ban on cell phones while driving. There is every state and several countries, plus what the penalty is for driving on a cell phone. It’s neat that some places don’t allow any teens (under the age of 18) to drive while talking on the cell phone, even if it’s a hands free set.
Here is a new link about a wonderful Japanese ghost story. I like scary movies, and this story is awesome! Scary. Keep in mind. The link is the very last link on the links page… I also added Zach Braff (actor for the hit series [scrubs]) links (one and two).
My brother sent this to me a LONG time ago; it’s the world’s most awesome world clock!
News, this woman, author Doris Lessing, is receiving the Nobel Prize for literature. I thought it was rather nice.
I want this… Doctor Who- it’s a webcam and microphone… want…
Right now I’m watching this Taiwan drama- IT”S AWESOME!!! It’s called Tokyo Juliet and one of the main characters is Ariel Lin (link one and two), she is awesome, I love her in It Started With A Kiss.
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It’s official. I’m in limbo. Without going forward I’m doomed to repeat this cycle. This is making me a little numb. I’m worried that if we don’t move forward soon (move period) I’m just going to end up being white trash that lives with her parents and hardly works. I want to get out on my own, have our own place, and be in more then just a bedroom in a depressing basement. I love my family, but I’m going numb.
Mom came home and is upset because we didn’t do the garage sale this weekend. But truth be told, I was ill, we didn’t get a chance to go to the bank to get change, and it was way too busy in town so people wouldn’t find a parking place and such.
Then on top of her being upset and not talking with me, one of my friends is having troubles with his girlfriend. I don’t think he should leave her, but he has to do what he feels is right.
Friday, October 12, 2007
I’m f***ed… I am ill today (and possibly tomorrow, I’ll set my alarm and assume I’ll be better though) so I missed the three hours I need for work today. Oh, I suck.
Neil and I are still together in case you were wondering. I think he’s the real thing, though I admit I’m getting a little like ‘I NEED AIR’ feeling. But I’m sure that’s not really due to our relationship but to the feeling of needing to get out of this place.
I'm also trying to figure out how to have my links on here like my other website. Don't know what to do. I'm ill so I'm not going to do anything right now.
Monday, August 27, 2007
I want the settlement to be done... all but the medical and just get on with my life. I am so tired of being in limbo.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
all my accounts