Sunday, September 14, 2008

Letters, Address books, and yogurt...

Recently there has been some mail heading my way, mostly birthday wishes, but if you know me you know that since there is nothing going on in my life that I won't really write back. For this I apologize. I will write each of you back, this I promise.

If you remember my Green Book of Doom, you know that it is chuck full of addresses... over 200 (I lost count after 187 so I"m just putting a number out there that I think it would be...) Now I'm on W, X, Y, & Zs... I have only 101 currently... just wait till I add the others! Not bad if I say so myself. Mostly it's cut down because I put all the vets/groomers/boardings under "Pets" and all the car care places I need numbers for under "Auto". Both of which are appropriate if I say so myself. I need to get those address tabs thingys for the GBoD... There is no way I'm using these beat-up, whited-out, ripped, tapped, scribbled, simply used pages again... if I can find address papers for the GBoD... Staples, Office Depot, and Target! HERE I COME!!!

And as for the yogurt... there was a sale on the yogurt I enjoy (Yoplait's Whips!). So I got the remaining four chocolate ones (extra yummy) and some strawberry and some raspberries. Those are the only ones I like. You know the yogurt with chunks of fruit in them? Those are gross I think. Whips! have a great texture (which I'm very picky about) and are still okay as far as bad calories and fats are concerned. So they're a win-win for me. ^_^

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Not Dead Yet

Hello! I'm not dead- yet, but I will be someday. Anyways, things are going okay. I've had my ups and downs, but so far today has been good (chocolate by my side...).

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I have an article I thought my readers would enjoy... as if anyone reads this, but I still want to share it.

Fresh air
: (CNN) -- It sounds like an ordinary car. But it's not. In the
South of France, inventor Guy Negre says he's developed a car that runs on

Read about it. It maybe a little "old" but it's pretty interesting.

--- --- ---

And here is another article that's for the fuzzy lover!

Cat Adopts Rabbit! There sure
seems to be a lot of generosity among the cat mothers out there-here’s another
great example, in which a cat takes on the role of mommy to a wittle tiny bunny

This is adorable!!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

He's on a sandwich run!

Hey hey hey, this is me coming to you semi live from my computer. I wanted to let you guys know that my birthday was yesterday! I'm getting so freakin' old!!! Just kidding, I think it's going to be fun not being the golden age of 21. The magical one, whatever.

My honey is on a sandwich run so I'll just give you the low-down:

I am working as a Personal Assistant for this woman, and so far it's been rather stressful, but I"m so happy doing it. It's rather odd. I get in a bad mood and get upset, but I'm having fun doing it. Isn't that weird? I kinda hate it but then again I'm getting paid to do this work that I enjoy so much. Being organized, calling people and getting things, lists, and other things that us Virgo's enjoy.

My back and leg have been bothering me a tremendous amount lately. It's not cool.

Here is a rather neat artical you should check out about the iPhone girl.